5 Signs That a Driver Is Impaired on St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, and since it happens to be on a Saturday this year, you can expect more people than usual to be out and about celebrating it. Unfortunately, that means there will likely be more impaired drivers on the roads, as well.

Pretty female with pigtails and hat drinking a tall glass of green beer on St. Patricks Day.
According to Fortune, festive partiers drink 13 million pints of Guinness on March 17 every year. Although there is nothing wrong with enjoying a few beers with friends, it is essential to plan ahead regarding your transportation for the evening.
Not only is drinking and driving illegal, but it is also incredibly dangerous. Sadly, this does not stop people from driving while impaired more than 300,000 times every single day.
If you were hurt in a collision with a drunk driver, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. To determine if you have grounds for a claim, turn to the Cooper Law Firm.
Attorney N. Eric Cooper is proud to help accident victims pursue the compensation they need to move on with life. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free case evaluation with an accident lawyer in Texas.
Read on to learn five signs that a motorist is impaired on St. Patrick’s Day:
- Drifting or Swerving
Alcohol affects balance, coordination, and depth perception, which makes it hard for those who are operating a vehicle while impaired to stay within the proper lane. If you notice a car drifting or swerving erratically, keep your distance, and pull over to alert local authorities so they can assess the situation.
- Speeding or Braking for No Apparent Reason
Impaired motorists struggle to judge speed and distance accurately while driving. As a result, they may accelerate, decelerate, or even stop suddenly for no obvious reason. They may also have a hard time maintaining a constant speed in general and might vary it as much as 10 or 20 mph on any given stretch of road.
- Ignoring Traffic Signs
Stopping at green lights, cruising through red lights, and traveling in the wrong direction on a one-way road are all indicative of impairment. Drunk drivers lack awareness, which often places them and those around them in life-threatening situations as the result of ignoring posted signs and traffic signals.
- Tailgating
Although sober individuals might tailgate on occasion, most people recognize the dangers of doing so and make it a point to leave plenty of following distance; however, because of their impaired judgment and lowered inhibitions, drunk drivers often fail to leave adequate space between their car and the vehicle ahead of them.
- Exhibiting Visual Signs of Impairment
In certain scenarios, it may be possible to identify a drunk driver before he or she gets behind the wheel. If you are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at your favorite watering hole, for example, and you spot a man who has been slurring his speech stumble to the parking lot, it is wise to take action.
Unfortunately, even if you keep an eye out for the above signs of drunk driving, it is still possible to end up in a collision that seemingly came out of nowhere. If you sustained injuries in a crash with a reckless motorist, contact the Cooper Law Firm today.
Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free consultation with an accident attorney in Texas. You can learn more about drunk driving claims in Texas by visiting USAttorneys.com.