
If you have suffered a broken hip or hip sprain injury in Canton, Van Zandt, Mt. Pleasant, Paris, or Marshall, Texas, you could be facing weeks to months of recovery. Hip fractures and sprains can be among the most serious types of injuries older Americans can face. Older Americans can face serious mobility problems after suffering a hip fracture. And research has shown that a hip fracture can lower life expectancy, especially for the elderly. Some are never able to walk again, while others may face an extensive recovery period. This can impact your mobility and ability to remain active. Even younger individuals who suffer a broken hip in a car accident can face a long and challenging road to recovery. If you or a loved one suffered a hip injury in a car accident, the Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers in Texas who may be able to help you.

Understanding Hip Fractures


A hip fracture can occur after an individual suffers a slip and fall, or following a car accident. If another person or party’s negligence resulted in your hip fracture, you may have the right to seek damages for your lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering. How are hip fractures treated and what are some of the consequences of these injuries?

According to WebMD, 300,000 Americans over the age of 65 break their hips every year. But hip fractures can also impact people of all ages. Younger people most often break their hips after a serious accident, such as a car accident. Individuals who suffer hip fractures often need surgery and may not be able to walk for several months after the injury. How long your recovery will take will depend largely on your health, your ability to follow a rehabilitation plan, and how serious the fracture was. If you have suffered a broken hip, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. If you are having difficulty paying medical bills or affording quality rehabilitation care, you may be entitled to seek a recovery from insurance company or negligent parties after making a claim. Contact the Cooper Law Firm, personal injury lawyers in Texas today to learn more about your rights and options.

Understanding Hip Sprains and Dislocations


In some cases, hip sprains and dislocations can be as serious as a broken hip. If the femur bone (the top leg bone) is torn out of the leg socket, patients can suffer serious pain and may not be able to move the leg. Hip dislocations are quite rare. According to the Arthritis Foundation, typically these kinds of injuries require major forces to occur. Car accidents are one type of injury where a hip dislocation can occur. When the body hits the dashboard, the force of the impact can get transferred to the hip, which can result in the bone popping out of this socket. Sometimes dislocations are also accompanied by fractures. Hip dislocations can cause permanent injuries. For example, if the nerves are damaged during the dislocation, patients may not be able to feel their feet or ankles, which can impact a person’s ability to walk. In other serious cases, individuals may not be able to bend their knees, which can impact walking. Even when the nerves are not impacted, the recovery time for a hip dislocation can be long. The average recovery time can be anywhere from 2 to 3 months, and in some cases, healing can take even longer. If you or a loved one have suffered a hip dislocation in a car accident in Texas, you may have the right to seek damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The Cooper Law Firm are accident lawyers in Canton, Van Zandt, Mt. Pleasant, Paris, or Marshall, Texas, who may be able to help you.

Suffered a Hip Injury in a Car Accident? Get Help Today


Hip injuries can be very serious. Older Americans who suffer this type of injury, on average, enjoy lower life expectancies than those who have not fractured a hip. This type of injury can result in individuals missing weeks to months of work. If your job is active, you may no longer be able to return to work. Others may suffer immense pain as a result of a hip dislocation, and yet others may end up permanently disabled if they suffer nerve damage due to a dislocated hip. If the impact of your hip injury is permanent, you may be entitled to seek a significant recovery from negligent parties. For example, if you or a loved one suffered a hip injury in a car accident, you may have options and rights under the law. The Cooper Law Firm are accident lawyers in Texas who may be able to help you seek damages for your losses. Contact our firm today to learn more.