
Truck Accident Lawyers in Canton, Texas

Best Truck Accident lawyer in Canton Texas is Cooper Law Firm

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2013 alone, 95,000 people were injured in large truck accidents. When truck drivers make mistakes, often the people who get hurt are the passengers and drivers in other vehicles. Because trucks carry heavy loads, the injuries individuals sustain in truck accidents can be more serious. Truck companies, drivers, and shipping companies are required to carry insurance to cover the risk that trucks pose to other drivers. If you’ve been in a semi truck accident in Canton, Texas, a truck wreck lawyer may be able to help you receive the recovery you may deserve. Truck companies may be responsible for paying for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering losses after an accident. However, these companies make billions of dollars every year and may have lawyers working on their side to protect their bottom line. If you’ve been hurt in a truck accident, you need a truck accident lawyer in Canton, Texas on your side.

What You Need to Know About Truck Laws in Texas If You’ve Been Personally Injured 

Truck drivers and companies are required to abide by federal and local laws. These laws are different than the laws ordinary drivers are required to abide by. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Canton, Texas, it may be a good idea to speak to a truck wreck attorney familiar with federal and local laws. Protect your rights.

Federal Hours of Service Laws: Truck drivers are required to follow federal hours of service laws. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, these laws regulate how long a driver can be on the road before taking a break or a rest. Drivers are required to record their hours in logs, but sometimes drivers falsify hours in order to meet federal requirements. Pressure from their companies may lead to drivers breaking the law, or drivers putting in extra hours even when they are not permitted to do so. Drowsy driving can be dangerous and deadly. It can be difficult to know when another driver was drowsy behind the wheel because there isn’t a test that can determine how sleepy a person was before a crash took place. However, a qualified semi truck accident lawyer may be able to take a look at your driver’s logs to see whether he or she was in compliance with the law. In some cases, your truck accident attorney may need to investigate shipping times and logs in order to see whether hours of service laws were obeyed.

Weight Laws: Texas also imposes weight limits on loads trucks can safely carry. When truck drivers or shipping companies break these laws, they put other drivers at risk. Overloading trucks is a dangerous practice. In fact, overloading of trucks is a factor leading to truck accidents every year. Drivers are more likely to lose control of an overweighed and overloaded vehicle. If weight shifts while a driver is behind the wheel, this can increase the risk that the truck will rollover. If you were involved in a truck accident where the truck driver lost control of the vehicle or where the vehicle rolled over, a truck wreck attorney can investigate the accident to determine if the truck was overloaded.

Improper Hiring Practices: Truck drivers are required to pass medical exams and hold proper licenses. Medical exams can vary in quality and sometimes companies may not be aware that drivers are taking medications that could interfere with their ability to drive. Truck companies are also required to properly train their drivers. More and more truck companies are restricting cell phone use while drivers are on the job, but not all companies promote a culture where this is practiced. A semi truck accident lawyer can evaluate a truck company’s hiring practices to determine whether they are in the best interests of public safety.

best semi truck accident attorney in Canton Texas

Improperly Maintained Equipment: Truck companies are required to properly maintain their equipment to ensure the safety of their drivers and others on the road. Unfortunately, some companies place the bottom line over driver safety and the safety of the general public. Tires should be checked, brakes should be maintained, and trucks should be regularly inspected. When this doesn’t happen, tragedies can occur.

If you’ve been hurt in a truck accident in Canton, Texas, you may be facing new challenges and stress. It can be difficult to know all the trucking laws in Texas. Truck companies may have lawyers working for them to protect their interests. You need a lawyer on your side protecting yours. Contact the Cooper Law Firm today. Our Canton, Texas semi truck accident lawyer can help you.

Protect Your Rights in Canton, Texas 

The law offers important protections to victims of truck accidents in Canton, Texas. Truck companies are required to carry insurance policies valued in the millions to protect victims of accidents. If you have been seriously injured by a truck accident, you need a truck wreck attorney in Canton, Texas on your side. Learn more by contacting the Cooper Law Firm today. We’ll assess your case and offer you and your family a roadmap forward.

Contact our law firm today.

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