Tractor Trailer Accident Attorneys in Midland, Texas


Truck accidents in Midland, Texas can be devastating for victims and their families. Truck accidents can be far more devastating than other types of accidents because of the sheer size of the vehicle involved. Because trucks are subject to more laws and regulations, truck accident claims and lawsuits can also be far more complex. If you or a loved one was hurt in an, reach out to the Midland Texas tractor-trailer injury lawyers at The Cooper Law Firm today.

You want a lawyer on your side who understands the complexities of truck accident law. Our firm can speak to insurance adjusters to help you get the best possible settlement under the law. We can also fight your case either inside or outside of court. When you are facing serious challenges, you need the Cooper Law Firm, truck accident lawyers in Midland, Texas.

Challenges Faced by Truck Accident Victims in Midland, Texas

Truck accident victims might face a range of challenges after a crash. In addition to high medical bills, truck crash victims might also have to miss time from work to heal and recover. Unlike a car accident where there is usually one person who is ultimately responsible for a crash, truck accident claims can involve many stakeholders, from the truck driver to the truck company, and also to shipping and logistics companies beyond. Victims may not always know what their settlement is worth and this can result in victims or their families settling for less than they deserve. How do you know what your case is worth?

The tractor trailer accident lawyers in Midland, Texas at the Cooper Law Firm will look at many factors to estimate the value of your truck accident claim. What factors will your lawyer review? How much is your case worth? Here are some things your truck accident lawyer will consider:

  • Medical Costs. The medical costs following a truck accident can be quite high. Victims may need surgery or may end up spending days in the hospital. The semi-truck accident lawyers at the Cooper Law Firm can review your medical bills and expenses to determine the value of your claim. One thing that some victims miss is considering the cost of future medical expenses. When it comes to serious accidents like truck crashes, victims may be more likely to face ongoing medical difficulties. If you or a loved one suffered paralysis, traumatic brain injury, or another serious injury in your crash, your lawyer can speak to medical experts to estimate the value of future medical costs. These costs can also be factored into your claim.
  • Rehabilitation Expenses. If you suffered traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, or spinal cord injury, you may be facing months to years of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation isn’t always covered by insurance. In fact, the best rehabilitative services often tend to cost more money. However, research has shown that patients who receive quality rehabilitative services often experience the best outcomes for their injuries. If you are struggling to get your insurance to cover your rehabilitative expenses, your tractor trailer injury lawyer in Midland Texas at the Cooper Law Firm can help. Our firm can estimate current rehabilitation fees, fees you have already paid, and estimate the value of expenses you might need to pay in the future to maintain your health.
  • Lost Wages. Like medical and rehabilitation expenses, you may be entitled to seek damages for your future lost wages when you pursue your truck accident claim. The Cooper Law Firm can review your pay stubs, estimate future lost wages, and seek damages as part of your claim.
  • Pain and Suffering. Pain and suffering damages are the least concrete damages that will need to be calculated in your claim, but they are incredibly important. When a person is hurt in a truck accident, he or she can experience major changes. Paralysis can leave a person unable to walk, work, or care for their children. Traumatic brain injury can impact all aspects of a person’s life and be incredibly painful. Post-traumatic stress disorder can interfere with a person’s ability to go about their ordinary life activities. The Cooper Law Firm are Midland, Texas semi-truck accident lawyers who can estimate pain and suffering damages and seek justice for victims. Pain and suffering damages are based upon a person’s medical expenses multiplied by another figure known as a multiplier. The more serious a person’s injuries, the higher the multiplier will be. However, the multiplier can be higher for minor injuries if the injuries have a major impact on your lifestyle. An active person might receive a higher multiplier for a broken bone or back pain than a person who is less active, for example. Higher multipliers are often awarded to victims of spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Wrongful Death Claims. If your loved one passed away in a truck accident, you may be entitled to seek damages for all of the above, as well as funeral costs and other losses like loss of companionship or loss of consortium.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident, reach out to the Cooper Law Firm, truck accident attorneys in Midland, Texas today. Our firm understands the unique challenges victims and their families face. Understanding the value of your case can make a difference in helping you understand whether a truck insurance settlement is reasonable. Sometimes truck insurance companies may try to offer you a lower settlement than you deserve. At other times, truck companies themselves might offer you a settlement that appears to be quite a bit of money, but when you speak to a lawyer, you may learn that your case is worth far more. Protect your rights. Speak to the Cooper Law Firm, semi-truck accident attorneys in Midland, Texas today.

Seek Justice 

The trucking industry is big business. Truck companies sometimes cut corners to protect their bottom lines. However, when they fail to maintain their vehicles, hire drivers who are not qualified, or ask their drivers to put in longer shifts than they should, the people who most often suffer are innocent victims of passenger vehicles. If you have been hurt in a truck accident in Midland, Texas, the Cooper Law Firm prides itself on fighting big truck companies and protecting individual rights. Truck companies may have teams of lawyers on their side. You need a qualified truck accident lawyer on yours. Contact the Cooper Law Firm today.