
Truck Accident Lawyers and Attorneys in Marshall, Texas 

Texas is one of the leading states in the U.S. for the oil industry. According to the Houston Chronicle, the oil and gas industry added jobs in 2016, indicating growth in the industry. Yet, this growth comes with some risks. More oil rigs are on the road, and more commercial vehicles are transporting potentially hazardous materials. With more commercial vehicles using highways, the risk to drivers and their passengers who are also road users, increases.

Victims of truck accidents face a range of serious challenges. Truck crashes can result in serious injury and disability. Families can lose their household’s primary earner, placing serious financial strain on the home. Fortunately, Texas law offers important protections to truck accident victims in Marshall, Texas. The Cooper Law Firm are truck accident attorneys who work closely with victims and their loved ones to hold companies and drivers accountable when errors and accidents happen.

Truck Wrecks: One of the Biggest Hazards of the Oil Industry 

According to the New York Times, in a ten year period, 300 oil and gas workers were killed in truck crashes. When we think about oil accidents, we often think about oil spills and burst pipes. We seldom consider the serious impact trucks used in the industry have on their employees and on the general public. Truck drivers working for the oil industry may face similar pressures that drivers face when working for shipping companies. They may be pressured to work long hours, to make deliveries within strict and sometimes unreasonable time limits, and they may be seriously fatigued. These factors, combined, can seriously endanger the public, not to mention the drivers themselves.

Truck wreck lawyers in Marshall, Texas, like the Cooper Law Firm, understand that truck accidents may involve many different negligent parties. While it is easy to place blame on the driver immediately responsible for an accident, we must remember that a driver may work for a larger company with interests of its own. Drivers may be pressured to work long hours. They may not be properly trained. In some cases, their equipment may not have undergone necessary repairs. While most truck drivers carry large insurance policies to protect them in the event of an accident, truck companies also carry protection. Truck accident victims may face years of medical care and rehabilitative care. A driver’s insurance policy, even if it is a high policy, may not always cover all costs. This is why it helps to have a truck accident lawyer Marshall, Texas working on your side. The Cooper Law Firm works to identify all negligent parties and companies and holds them accountable for their role in your accident. Truck companies and oil companies make billions every year. When their operations endanger the public, the public has a right to speak up and seek justice. Learn more by contacting the Cooper Law Firm today.

Have You Been Hurt in a Truck Accident in Marshall, Texas? Know Your Rights

 Individuals who have been injured in a commercial truck accident in Marshall, Texas have important rights under the law. Drivers and companies that are negligent may have to pay victims for their medical expenses, pain and suffering damages, and lost wages. You may be able to seek a recovery from insurance companies, truck drivers, their companies, shipping companies, or other stakeholders involved in the accident. There are many reasons why truck accidents take place. The Cooper Law Firm can review the facts of your case and help you fight for your rights under the law. Specifically, our Marshall, Texas truck accident attorney will look to see whether the truck company or driver broke the law.

Truck companies are required to abide by stringent federal and Texas laws. These laws are put in place to protect the safety of the general public. Some of the laws include:

  • Hour of Service Regulations: Commercial truck drivers and companies are required to abide by hours of service limitations that state how long drivers can drive a single shift without resting. Proper rest is important to ensure a driver’s safety behind the wheel. When companies discourage their drivers from taking needed breaks or when they place unreasonable pressures on drivers, deadly accidents can occur.
  • Maintenance Requirements. Truck companies and operators are required to keep trucks in proper working order. Failure to do so can result in deadly tire blow-outs or brake failure, which can lead to crashes.
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing. Drivers should be drug and alcohol free when they get behind the wheel. It is the responsibility of companies to properly vet drivers to ensure that they are safe. Some drivers have health conditions that can lead to the taking of prescription medication that can interfere with safe driving.
  • Health Requirements: Drivers are required to meet certain health requirements before they can receive a commercial license. However, sometimes a driver’s licensing may be out of date, or a driver may have developed medical conditions that can interfere with driving since a last medical examination. Companies should hire healthy drivers that are fit to be behind the wheel. When drivers are not fit to drive, everyone’s safety is at risk.

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, it can be difficult to know all the federal and local laws regulating the truck industry. Trucks carrying hazardous materials are subject to even more stringent requirements. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident, contact the Marshall, Texas truck wreck attorney at the Cooper Law Firm today. We can review your case and help you understand your options going forward.

Seek Justice Today

The Cooper Law firm offers qualified and compassionate legal representation to truck accident victims in Marshall, Texas. If you have been seriously injured in a truck accident, you may only have a limited amount of time under Texas law to protect your rights. Contact the Cooper Law Firm today so we can begin working on your case.