Tyler, Texas Severe Burn Injury Lawyers

Have You Suffered a Serious Burn Injury in Tyler, Texas? Contact our Lawyers and Attorneys

 Serious injury is a special class of injury that can occur after an accident. Generally, serious injuries may require a long recovery time, lifestyle changes, and missed time at work. What are some examples of serious injuries?

  • Amputation
  • Disfigurement
  • Scarring
  • Loss of a fetus
  • Permanent loss of body organ or system
  • Paralysis
  • Fracture
  • Death

Serious injury can also be defined as any injury that interferes with a person’s ability to work or perform regular lifestyle activities for an extended period of time. If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, it is important to protect your rights. Victims of serious injuries may have the right to seek a recovery for medical care, rehabilitative services, ongoing nursing care, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. The Cooper Law Firm are serious injury lawyers in Tyler, Texas who work closely with victims and families to help them understand their rights. We fight diligently to hold responsible parties accountable and to help you seek the maximum possible recovery under the law.

Severe Burn Injury Lawyer in Tyler, Texas

 One kind of serious injury that can result in long term pain and suffering, long recovery, disfigurement, and interference with regular life activities is a burn injury. The Cooper Law Firm are severe burn injury lawyers in Tyler, Texas who may be able to assist you if you are a survivor of this kind of injury. The road to recovery is long and challenging, but the legal questions that arise after a burn injury bring with them their own unique questions and challenges.

Serious burn injury victims can face immense medical challenges. For instance, they may face multiple surgeries over many months. In the initial aftermath of a burn injury, victims may face hypothermia, shock, and infection. Even after victims leave the emergency room, they may struggle with the ongoing reminder of their accident. Scars can last forever, and may require plastic or reconstructive surgery. Even with specialized care, the scarring can remain. This can lead to social isolation and may serve as a permanent reminder of the trauma. Victims may require ongoing psychological counseling to manage the trauma after a burn injury.

Severe burn injury victims need comprehensive and ongoing medical and nursing care. Victims and their families may wonder how to pay for treatment and what their next steps should be. If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury on the job, at home, or due to the negligence or neglect of another person, contact the Tyler, Texas severe burn injury lawyers at the Cooper Law Firm. Our burn injury attorneys in Tyler TX can work closely with victims and families to help them seek a recovery for their medical expenses, cover lost wages, and seek recoveries for pain and suffering.

Tyler, Texas Severe Injury Lawyers

 Working in an oil field carries the risk of burn injuries. In fact, many industries in Texas put workers at risk of suffering burn injuries on the job. While most workers are protected under worker’s compensation if they are burned on the job, some employers may discourage workers from seeking a recovery or employees may face denied worker’s compensation claims. In other instances, workers may not know what steps they should take to pursue a personal injury lawsuit or appeal a claim.

The Cooper Law Firm are Tyler, Texas burn injury attorneys who can assist workers who have been burned in the oil fields, or who have suffered chemical burns on the job. Employers have a responsibility to provide safe working conditions and equipment for employees. When companies put their bottom line above proper workplace training or safety, serious and catastrophic injuries can occur.

If you’ve survived an oil field explosion or fire, you may have important legal rights. Oil field and industrial fires can occur when safety procedures are not properly followed, when equipment isn’t properly maintained, when equipment is defective, or when equipment fails. Fires and explosions can also occur if the company makes serious errors. Worker fatigue and unsafe working conditions can also lead to fires or explosions.

If another party was responsible for your injuries, you may be able to collect damages to cover medical care, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, you may only have a limited amount of time to seek a recovery under the law. The Cooper Law Firm are Tyler, Texas severe injury lawyers who can help you understand your rights and fight to help you get the maximum recovery permitted under the law. Contact our firm today to learn more.

Protect Your Rights

A serious injury can affect all aspects of your life. You may be struggling with lifestyle changes. You may wonder how you’ll pay your bills if you’ve had to miss days at work. You may be in pain and have many questions. The Cooper Law Firm are severe injury attorneys in Tyler, Texas who can protect your rights and help you seek the maximum possible recovery permitted under the law. Contact our firm today to learn more.